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ERC Consolidator Grant Master Class – an online event

09/24/2024 9:00 AM  - 1:00 PM 
Event location:
  • online
  • Stabsstelle Forschungs- und Graduiertenförderung
  • Graduiertenakademie
  • Workshop
  • Information event
Target groups:
  • Qualifying professorships with/ without Tenure Track
  • Professors
  • Project responsibles
  • Postdoktoranden/Postdocs
  • Tenure track profesor

Part 1 is OPEN TO ALL  It can count as part of Module 1 of the certifying program "Development and management of research projects" (EMF).


A half-day workshop for the researchers from the University of Kassel

In cooperation with the European Liaison Office of the German Research Organisations (KoWi) / National Contact Point ERC, the University of Kassel will host an online Master Class to present the upcoming ERC Consolidator Grant call (with a deadline on 14 January 2025) and to offer insights into the ERC CoG scheme, structure of the proposals with focus on excellence, impact and implementation, budget planning and ethics. Moreover, a successful ERC grantee from the University of Kassel will share her experiences regarding writing proposal, project evaluation, preparations for the interview, launching the project, etc.

Additionally, individual consultations for potential candidates will be offered by KoWi and Research Support of the University of Kassel on 2 October 2024 (time slots will be offered between 9:00 and 14:00).

Updated agenda 24.09.2024

Part 1 is open to all:

  •    9:00-9:15 Welcome from the Research Support, University of Kassel (Malgorzata Siennicka-Rahmstorf)
  •    9:15-10:00 Introduction to the ERC Consolidator Grants (eligibility, possible extensions due to, e.g., parental leave, application structure, evaluation process) - KoWi/National Contact Point ERC (Cristina Condovici)
  •    10:00-10:45  ERC grant proposal: focus on excellence, impact and implementation (incl. team composition, work packages, Gantt chart) - KoWi/National Contact Point ERC (Katharina Spannhake)
  •    10:45-11:15 Q&A session with KoWi/National Contact Point ERC (Katharina Spannhake and Cristina Condovici) and Research Support (Malgorzata Siennicka-Rahmstorf)
  •    11:15-11:30 Coffee break
  •    11:30-12:00 Testimonial of an ERC grantee from the University of Kassel (Prof. Andra-Ioana Horcea-Milcu)

Part 2 is open only for the participants from the University of Kassel:

  •    12:00-12:30 Planning your ERC budget –Third-Party Funding Management, University of Kassel (Ralf Heuckeroth)
  •    12:30-13:00 Introduction to Ethics –Research Support, University of Kassel (Carolin Schwarz).
  •    c. 13:00 End of the workshop


Agenda for 2.10.2024 (time slots between 9:00 and 14:00)

Individual consultations only for the participants from the University of Kassel

We offer you an opportunity of individual consultations on your research idea or proposal draft by an adviser from KoWi/National Contact Point ERC together with an adviser of the Research Support of the University of Kassel. In order to get prepared, we would like to receive your draft/concept note and your CV not later than on 30.09.2024.


  • ERC Consolidator Grants - What's it all about?
  • What needs to be considered?
  • What is funded?
  • Who is eligible?
  • Application procedure
  • Evaluation process
  • Budget
  • Ethics


To participate, you will need a laptop/PC with a camera, microphone and internet access. The Zoom platform as well as other tools will be used during the workshop and you will receive the link to the online platform a few days prior to the event.

Additional Terms of Use

With your registration, you accept the use of specified platforms/tools and the possibly necessary provision of specified data (name and email address). Additionally, the guarantee of the technical requirements is made by the participants themselves.


⇒ What are ERC Consolidator Grants?

The EU has been funding basic and frontier research in Europe through the European Research Council (ERC) since 2007. Special features of ERC funding include, in particular, scientific autonomy in the design of the funding lines, the thematic openness of the calls and the funding of individual researchers. In Horizon Europe, the ERC is  located within the first pillar named "Excellent Science". Researchers of any nationality and from all scientific disciplines are eligible to apply to the ERC, which provides several funding lines with different target groups, among others ERC CoG:

►Who is eligible to apply?

  • Researchers who wish to consolidate their independence by building a research team and continue their successful career in Europe or researchers who have recently established an independent, excellent research team and wish to strengthen it.
  • Researchers who have completed their PhD 7 to 12 years ago

►What funding amount is possible and over what period?

  • Up to EUR 2 million for up to 5 years

►Dates & link:


More information about this event

Event location:



Stabsstelle Forschungs- und Graduiertenförderung, Graduiertenakademie


Dr. Malgorzata Siennicka-Rahmstorf
Universität Kassel
Stabstelle Forschungs- und Graduiertenförderung
Projekt Koordinatorin
+49 561 804-2240
malgorzata Bitte fügen Sie an dieser Stelle einen Punkt ein siennicka-rahmstorf Bitte fügen Sie an dieser Stelle ein @ ein uni-kassel Bitte fügen Sie an dieser Stelle einen Punkt ein de


Katharina Spannhake

Cristina Condovici

Register here for the event

Quick registration

Ticket registration is currently not possible for this event.

Registration possible from 17.06.2024, 12:00:00 until 23.09.2024, 09:00:00