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Social Media in Science Communication

01/01/2024 - 12/31/2025
Event location:
  • online
  • E-Learning
Target groups:
  • Doctoral candidates
  • Postdoktorand:innen/Postdocs

Do you want to communicate science in social media? Then this course is the ideal introduction. You will learn about the typical functions of social media, their features and target audiences. You will also be given guidance on media selection and objectives.

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Good Research Practice during Doctoral Studies

01/01/2024 - 12/31/2025
Event location:
  • online
  • E-Learning
Target groups:
  • Doctoral candidates
  • Postdoktorand:innen/Postdocs

How should research results be documented? What is the right way to cite? How does one handle image sources? Answers to questions about working correctly are provided in the e-learning course "Good Research Practice During Doctoral Studies". The course is designed to be interdisciplinary and has provided a review of additional topics regarding doctoral work: how to wisely plan and organize the research project and which legal aspects, such as in labour law or copyright law, are relevant for doctoral candidates.

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Skill Hub for Science

07/15/2024 - 07/14/2025
Event location:
  • online
  • E-Learning
Target groups:
  • Doctoral candidates
  • Postdoktorand:innen/Postdocs

Apply now and be among the first five users to receive access to our new learning platform! With the piloting of a new learning platform, we are breaking new ground in qualifying doctoral candidates. This platform includes a comprehensive range of online courses specifically for target groups in science and research. This means that it can be used to gain specific and flexible qualifications in key areas of competence. These include many relevant subjects such as "Social Media for Scientists", "Agile Skills", "Time Management", "Mental Health" and many more.

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Fit für die Promotion - Gemeinsame Workshop-Reihe hessischer Hochschulbibliotheken

Informationskompetenz in Hessen
11/07/2024 - 02/13/2025
Event location:
  • online über Zoom
  • Library Development Course
  • Event series
Target groups:
  • Doctoral candidates
  • graduates

Die gemeinsame Workshop-Reihe der hessischen Hochschulbibliotheken geht in die nächste Runde. Eine Promotion bringt viele Herausforderungen mit sich: von der Datenerhebung über die Auswertung und Aufbereitung bis hin zur Literatursuche und -analyse. Darüber hinaus müssen Sie...

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Anmeldung für das Kasseler Graduiertenprogramm (2025)

12/01/2024 - 12/31/2025
  • Program
Target group:
  • Doctoral candidates

Das Kasseler Graduiertenprogramm ist als modularisiertes Programm ausgestaltet, dessen Kurse von verschiedenen Einrichtungen der Universität Kassel angeboten werden. Das Programm enthält Weiterbildungsangebote zur Vorbereitung und Unterstützung wissenschaftlicher...

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  Free of charge for employees with a research function.

Basics of Science Communication

01/01/2025 - 12/31/2025
Event location:
  • online
  • E-Learning
Target groups:
  • Doctoral candidates
  • Postdoktorand:innen/Postdocs

This basic course focuses on topics such as the dimensions of science communication, the interplay between stakeholders and target groups and dealing with the media. The learning units are modular. The content is varied and includes animations and videos. The e-learning can be accessed online at any time and can be flexibly integrated into everyday working and studying life.

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  Nur für angemeldete Teilnehmer:innen von quali.prof@haw

Berufungstraining – Gruppe KS

01/31/2025 - 02/01/2025
Presence event 
Event location:
  • Raum 103/104
  • Workshop
Target groups:
  • Doctoral candidates
  • Scientific employees with completed qualification
  • Postdoktorand:innen/Postdocs

Veranstaltungssprache: Deutsch Inhalt Die Workshops bereiten strukturiert auf Bewerbungen um Professuren an HAWs in Deutschland vor. Die Teilnehmer*innen erhalten fundierte Informationen zu den einzelnen Elementen von Berufungsverfahren. Auch ungeschriebene Regeln und mögliche...

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  Attention: Now also on Mondays!

Writing Café for doctoral candidates - February

Presence event 
Event location:
  • Raum 4100
  • Writing Cafe
Target group:
  • Doctoral candidates

Do you have stress during your doctorate? The Graduate Academy's "Writing Café for doctoral candidates" offers space for your dissertation. Use the time to make progress using the Pomodoro technique. During the breaks, you can chat with other doctoral students over a cup of tea or coffee. Always on the second Friday of the month and sometimes on additional dates organized by doctoral candidates, open to all. Join us and write without distractions!

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Allgemeine Bibliothekseinführung

Informationskompetenz in der UB
Presence event 
Event location:
  • Campusbibliothek Holländischer Platz
  • Library Introduction
Target groups:
  • Students
  • Regional users

Einführung in das Katalogportal KARLA und in die Bibliotheksbenutzung

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  Waiting queue

Typo3-Grundlagenschulung für Anfängerinnen und Anfänger ohne Vorkenntnisse

Presence event 
Event location:
  • SAP-Schulungsraum
  • Seminar
  • Workshop
Target group:
  • Employees

In dieser Schulung führen wir Sie in das Web-Content-Managementsystem Typo3 ein und vermitteln die zentralen Basiselemente, mit denen Sie rund 80% der Seitengestaltung und –pflege durchführen können. Zwischendurch schauen wir gemeinsam auch auf die Sicht der Nutzerenden und...

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