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PhD in Kassel - Lunch Talk: PhD Abroad (July 2024)

07/01/2024 12:00 PM  - 2:00 PM 
Event location:
  • Online
  • Graduate Academy
Target groups:
  • Doctoral candidates
  • Master students

language: english.

The Lunch Talk focuses on PhD experiences abroad. If you are interested in a research stay abroad, would consider a teaching or training mobility or would like to learn more about funding options for international conferences and other types of mobility, you have come to the right place. Our experts will give you an overview of mobility formats and funding options (DAAD, Erasmus+, ...) for PhD experiences abroad.

The exchange focused Lunch Talk format gives you the chance to ask experts and learn from other people’s experience. 


  • Funding options for international mobility experiences such as conference and workshop participation, research stays abroad, teaching and training
  • insights into how to organise and finance a stay abroad


Exchange with experts, Insight stories, Q&A


To participate you need an internet-enabled computer, a good microphone & speaker or headset and a webcam.

All dates of the eventseries:

10.06.2024 PhD in Kassel - Lunch Talk: Doctoral Studies

17.06.2024 PhD in Kassel - Lunch Talk: Publishing your Thesis

24.06.2024 PhD in Kassel - Lunch Talk: Financing & Scholarships; Further Education


More information about this event

Event location:



Graduate Academy


Gianna Dalfuß
University of Kassel
Graduate Academy
Coordination of interdisciplinary doctoral training | Kassel Graduate Programme
0561 804 2427
graduiertenakademie Bitte fügen Sie an dieser Stelle ein @ ein uni-kassel Bitte fügen Sie an dieser Stelle einen Punkt ein de


Lisa Büchele
Section for Internationalisation and International Cooperations

Moritz Banzhaf
International Office

Register here for the event

Quick registration

Ticket registration is currently not possible for this event.

Registration possible from 23.05.2024, 08:00:00 until 26.06.2024, 23:00:00