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Research Data Management in PhD Supervision: Key Supervisory Touchpoints and Typical Challenges
It takes a village to raise a PhD

05/08/2025 12:00 PM Clock - 2:00 PM Clock
Online event 
Event location:
  • online
Event Organizer:
  • Graduate Academy
  • Universitätsbibliothek
  • Forschungsdaten-Service
  • Workshop
Target groups:
  • Junior Research Group Leaders
  • Postdoktorand:innen/Postdocs
  • Tenure track professor
Bildmarke Postdoc-Veranstaltung

Language: English.

Supervising doctoral projects raises a number of challenges - particularly in the areas of research data management and scientific integrity. Based on our experience in counselling and training, this short workshop provides practical approaches to effectively support doctoral candidates in these areas. In addition to specialist input, there will be space for supervisors to share their experiences.


  • The Research Data Service and the Data Protection Officers will introduce themselves and the most important support services.
  • Get to know the key support moments along the research data life cycle.
  • Find out what challenges doctoral researchers face in research data management and how you can provide support.
  • Receive practical tips on support and counselling in data management.
  • Use a ‘DMP for doctoral projects’ for structured supervision.


  • specialist input
  • space to share their experiences


To participate, you will need a laptop/PC with a camera, microphone and internet access. The Zoom platform as well as other tools will be used during the workshop and you will receive the link to the online platform a few days prior to the event.
Additional Terms of Use: With your registration, you accept the use of specified platforms/tools and the possibly necessary provision of specified data (name and email address). Additionally, the guarantee of the technical requirements is made by the participants themselves.

More information about this event

Event location:


Event Organizer:

Graduate Academy, Universitätsbibliothek, Forschungsdaten-Service


Dr. Isabelle Schulze
Universität Kassel
Graduate Academy
General Manager
0561-804 1968
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Dr. Sabrina Jordan
Universität Kassel

Kassel University Library
Research Data Service

Further Information

Dr. Birte Cordes
Universität Kassel

Kassel University Library
Research Data Service

Book your tickets here

Approval required
Participation in this event requires approval. After your booking, it will be checked whether the participation requirements have been met. After activation you will receive a confirmation of your booking.
Postdocs (R2/R3)
Fee: free
Available until: 05/08/2025
Booking possible from 23.01.2025, 00:00:00 until 08.05.2025, 09:00:00
The tickets in the shopping cart are not yet reserved or occupied.