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Career planning for postdocs (for women and non-binary persons)

The Workshop will be postponed - new dates will be found shortly
16.01.2025 9:00 Uhr - 17:00 Uhr
17.01.2025 9:00 Uhr - 17:00 Uhr
  • online
  • Stabsstelle Gleichstellung
  • Workshop
  • Promovierende/Doktorand:innen
  • Postdoktorand:innen/Postdocs
16. Januar

Language: English.

Career Planning: What are my further career movements?

What are my unique abilities and interests critical in determining the right career path for me? Can I combine my ideas about a fulfilled life with a university career? How can I develop a strategy for embarking on an academic career path or other career choices?

This seminar helps to answer these – and other - questions for those who want to plan their career development strategically. It focuses on supporting young scientists and researchers. It offers them possibilities to reflect upon future university careers or alternative career choices. Based on their individual profiles, participants develop their own vision for their future personal and professional lives.

In the preparation for the workshop, on the basis of seminar documents,

  • You reflect upon your professional career path

  • You develop a biographically-based profile that highlights und evaluates your individualqualifications, skills and job visions.
    Within the one Day workshop

  • You get information about formal and hidden requirements for careers at university (with special focus on Germany)

  • You explore different occupational alternatives: Career at university/research center or “outside”, e.g. in a company

  • You detect your professional network and develops next Step

  • You share experiences and are encouraged by other scientists who are in a similar professional situation


  • Creating your profile of skills and qualifications, highlighting your strengths and accomplishments
  • Choosing your own criteria and values for work and life
  • Developing a vision for your own professional and private life
  • Review and evaluation of personal development goals
  • Detect your professional network
  • Next Step


To participate, you will need a laptop/PC with a camera, microphone and internet access. The Zoom platform as well as other tools will be used during the workshop and you will receive the link to the online platform a few days prior to the event.
Additional Terms of Use: With your registration, you accept the use of specified platforms/tools and the possibly necessary provision of specified data (name and email address). Additionally, the guarantee of the technical requirements is made by the participants themselves.

Weitere Informationen zu dieser Veranstaltung




Stabsstelle Gleichstellung


Angelika Flörke
Universität Kassel
Stabstelle Gleichstellung
0561 804-3469
afloerke Bitte fügen Sie an dieser Stelle ein @ ein uni-kassel Bitte fügen Sie an dieser Stelle einen Punkt ein de


Prof. Dr. Anja Frohnen

Prof. Dr. Anja Frohnen ist Expertin für Führungskräfteentwicklung, Führungskräftecoaching und Organisations- und Personalentwicklung in der Wissenschaft.
Als Gründerin und Geschäftsführerin von Impulsplus arbeitet sie national und international als Trainerin und Coach in der Führungskräfteentwicklung und Personalentwicklung an Hochschulen und Forschungsinstituten. Seit November 2020 hat sie außerdem eine Professur für Coaching und Supervision inne.

Buchen Sie hier Ihre Tickets

Freigabe erforderlich
Die Teilnahme an dieser Veranstaltung erfordert eine Freigabe. Nach Ihrer Buchung wird geprüft, ob die Teilnahmevoraussetzungen erfüllt sind. Nach der Freischaltung erhalten Sie eine Bestätigung Ihrer Buchung.
Preis: 60,00 €
nicht mehr verfügbar
Buchung möglich von 18.10.2024, 12:00:00 bis 16.12.2024, 12:00:00

Für diese Veranstaltung ist aktuell keine Ticketregistrierung möglich.