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EMF: Decision Making for (future) Team Leaders (Marburg)

06.09.2024 9:00 Uhr - 17:00 Uhr
  • Philipps-Universität Marburg, Online
  • Philipps Universität Marburg/MARA
  • Workshop
  • Promovierende/Doktoranden
  • Postdoktorand:innen
EMF Certificate program EMF Certificate program

Event language: English

Making decisions comes with many challenges. Even simple decisions can feel hard and have us worry over them. It only gets more challenging when we must decide with others or for others, in a leadership role.

In this workshop

  •  We discuss the main hurdles in our decision-making, as individuals, as teams and as leaders.
  • We emphasize the importance of clarity and communication when leading a team.
  • We discuss the main dangers and sources of conflict when making decisions with others.
  • We detail and practice some concrete tools to help us improve our decision-making and leadership skills.

Qualification Outcomes

After this workshop, you will be able to

  • Make reflected decisions, as an individual, as part of a team, and as a leader.
  • Communicate clearly when leading a team.
  • See the main dangers and sources of conflict when making decisions with or for others.


The online workshop uses a hybrid format, with a mixture of live discussion sessions, video content and self-paced exercises and written material.


To participate in the online event you need a PC/laptop with a current browser (recommended: Chrome or Firefox) as well as a headset (or speakers and microphone), a webcam plus a stable Internet connection.

Proficiency in English at the B2 level of competency is required.

You need to register once in our database to use MARA offers.

Weitere Informationen zu dieser Veranstaltung


Philipps-Universität Marburg, Online


Philipps Universität Marburg/MARA


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Philipps-Universität Marburg
MArburg University Research Academy
Postdocprogramm MARA
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PhD Vicent Botella-Soler

Vicent has been a PhD student (Physics), a Postdoc (Computational neuroscience), a Machine-Learning consultant for tech startups, a R&D manager for a data company. With extensive international experience both in research and in industry, he now works as a freelance consultant and author, helping academics and industry professionals snap out of cognitive traps and long-held beliefs hindering their development.


Buchen Sie hier Ihre Tickets

Freigabe erforderlich
Die Teilnahme an dieser Veranstaltung erfordert eine Freigabe. Nach Ihrer Buchung wird geprüft, ob die Teilnahmevoraussetzungen erfüllt sind. Nach der Freischaltung erhalten Sie eine Bestätigung Ihrer Buchung.
Marburg intern (EMF-TN, MARA-Mitglieder, UMR)
Preis: 25,00 €
verfügbar bis: 22.08.2024
Buchung möglich bis 22.08.2024, 23:59:00
Marburg extern (EMF extern, sonstige TN)
Preis: 75,00 €
verfügbar bis: 22.08.2024
Buchung möglich bis 22.08.2024, 23:59:00
Die Tickets im Warenkorb sind noch nicht reserviert oder belegt.