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Erste Hilfe Grundkurs / First aid basic course

06.08.2024 8:30 Uhr - 16:30 Uhr
  • Universität Kassel
  • HoPla, Georg-Forster-Str. 4, R 1004
  • Team Arbeitssicherheit und Umweltschutz
  • Seminar
  • Training
  • Ersthelfende
  • Beschäftigte

If you do nothing in an emergency, you do everything wrong. In the basic first aid training, you will learn the correct and most important first aid techniques, e.g. the recovery position, applying a tourniquet, cardiopulmonary resuscitation or making an emergency call (Text: ASB). Following the basic first aid course, you will be added to the list of company first aiders. Every 2 years, the knowledge is refreshed in first aid training courses.

All first aid trainings or basic courses are ONLY for employees of the University of Kassel. Unfortunately, we are not able to offer training or basic courses for students and external persons.

First aid basic courses or advanced trainings cannot be offered digitally.

This basic course will be held in English only.

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Universität Kassel

HoPla, Georg-Forster-Str. 4, R 1004
Georg-Forster-Str. 4
34127 Kassel
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