Preparing Your PhD for the Non-Scientific Job Market
It takes a village to raise a PhD
- Veranstaltungsformat:
- Online-Veranstaltung
- Veranstaltungsort:
- online
- Veranstalter:
- Graduiertenakademie
- Kategorie:
- Workshop
- Zielgruppen:
- Nachwuchsgruppenleitungen
- Postdoktorand:innen/Postdocs
- Tenure-Track-Professor:innen

Language: English.
Due to the limited number of positions, only a small number of doctoral students have the opportunity to start a career in research and teaching at a university. In addition, many do not even aspire to this. Support therefore includes talking to doctoral students about their career goals in good time and without prejudice and showing them the options. Scientists often lack the necessary knowledge to do this, as they are of course not trained career advisors. Nor is it a question of suggesting specific job titles - that is no longer possible today, as the variety of jobs changes far too quickly. What they can do, however, is to support their doctoral students in finding their way. The short workshop will therefore cover the following topics: What is career orientation? Why does the term "career" have a different meaning for everyone?
- List of questions to support doctoral candidates with their initial orientation
- Information about the job market: use valid sources
- Profile development: tools that you can pass on to doctoral candidates
- Future skills vs. soft skills: what is happening right now?
- Gaining an overview in the jungle of online job matching and hiring platforms
- Where in the University can I get help?
Flipped Classroom: Learning material in advance on the learning platform - meeting time for exchange and practice
You will receive a moodle access from the trainer a few days before the workshop and will be asked on the platform about your expectations of the event.
To participate, you will need a laptop/PC with a camera, microphone and internet access. The Zoom platform as well as moodle will be used during the workshop and you will receive the link to the zoom session via moodle.
Additional Terms of Use: With your registration, you accept the use of specified platforms/tools and the possibly necessary provision of specified data (name and email address). Additionally, the guarantee of the technical requirements is made by the participants themselves.
Weitere Informationen zu dieser Veranstaltung
Dr. Isabelle Schulze
Universität Kassel
0561-804 1968
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Dr. Eva Reichmann
Since 2011 owner of beruf & leben GbR and working as a trainer and consultant for career planning, doctoral studies, job-related competences and University teaching.