Performing Under Pressure
- Veranstaltungsformat:
- Präsenzveranstaltung
- Veranstaltungsorte:
- Universität Kassel
- Bootshaus Universität Kassel
- Veranstalter:
- Graduiertenakademie
- Kategorie:
- Workshop
- Zielgruppe:
- Promovierende/Doktorand:innen

Language: English.
Presentations can be stressful for professionals in academia, particularly when focusing on the challenges presentations can entail. These include for example conflicting communication expectations and a lack of confidence and support that can prevent people from fully owning their expertise.
This workshop employs unique techniques and exercises from the theater to help participants explore, define, and redefine their professional roles. It offers new strategies to transform stress and pressure into energy and motivation, empowering them to present their work confidently.
- Identifying and rewriting personal/professional narratives
- Reframing self-criticism and negativity
- Handling outer critics and Q&As
- Techniques for managing pressure and stress
- Presentation skills
- Body language, power posing, and voicework
- meaningful practice
- individual and group activities
- theater-based and transformational coaching-based exercises
Weitere Informationen zu dieser Veranstaltung
Universität Kassel
Bootshaus Universität Kassel
Auedamm 27a
34121 Kassel
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Gianna Dalfuß
Universität Kassel
Koordination der überfachlichen Promovierendenausbildung | Kasseler Graduiertenprogramm
0561 804 2427
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Francesca Carlin
Francesca Carlin is an American communication trainer and personal coach with over a decade of experience. She has helped professionals improve public speaking, develop presence, and practice mindful communication in Russia, the U.S., Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. A trained actress with a theater education from Boston and Harvard University, Francesca uses acting techniques to help clients overcome personal barriers and become more effective communicators. Her unique approach combines the best practices from communication skills development and theater.