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The Powerful Voice: Speaking with dynamism and power (for women and non-binary persons)

18.11.2024 9:00 Uhr - 17:00 Uhr
  • Universität Kassel
  • Bootshaus Universität Kassel
  • Graduiertenakademie
  • Workshop
  • Promovierende/Doktorand:innen
  • Meister:schüler:innen und Künstler:innen und Gestalter:innen in der postgradualen Phase

Language: English.

One of the most powerful communication tools we possess is our voice. It not only conveys our ideas but also offers listeners insight into who we are. For better or worse, people judge our intelligence and trustworthiness by our voice and its usage. For professional academics as well as artists and designers, mastering their voice is crucial when presenting research, giving lectures, or showcasing their best selves in interviews and presentations.

This workshop is open to all women and non-binary people who are doing a doctorate or are in their postgraduate phase.


  • Techniques for releasing the breath and breathing more freely
  • How to properly warm up the voice and the articulators
  • Exercises to address tricky sounds and sound combinations
  • Taking control of pace and rhythm
  • Techniques to increase volume without harming the voice
  • Using pauses, silence, and intonation.


  • Active practice
  • Individual and group activities
  • vocal exercises based on Linklater, Fitzmaurice, and Alexander techniques




Weitere Informationen zu dieser Veranstaltung


Universität Kassel

Bootshaus Universität Kassel
Auedamm 27a
34121 Kassel
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Gianna Dalfuß
Universität Kassel
Koordination der überfachlichen Promovierendenausbildung | Kasseler Graduiertenprogramm
0561 804 2427
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Francesca Carlin

Francesca Carlin is an American communication trainer and personal coach with over a decade of experience. She has helped professionals improve public speaking, develop presence, and practice mindful communication in Russia, the U.S., Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. A trained actress with a theater education from Boston and Harvard University, Francesca uses acting techniques to help clients overcome personal barriers and become more effective communicators. Her unique approach combines the best practices from communication skills development and theater.

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Preis: 40,00 €
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Buchung möglich von 19.06.2024, 14:30:00 bis 14.11.2024, 23:59:00

Für diese Veranstaltung ist aktuell keine Ticketregistrierung möglich.