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Opportunities and responsibilities for a successful doctoral relationship

19.03.2025 9:00 Uhr - 18:00 Uhr
20.03.2025 9:00 Uhr - 16:00 Uhr
  • online
  • Graduiertenakademie
  • Workshop
  • Promovierende/Doktorand:innen

Language: English.

This workshop nurtures lateral leadership skills to improve communication with supervisors and nudge superiors toward the goals that matter the most. On the first day of the workshop, participants are provided with a framework through which to assess their relationship with the supervisor, they identify realistic objectives that they wish to achieve, are introduced to a number of techniques to achieve these objectives and, finally, develop a plan to address outstanding issues they might have with their boss. On the second day of the workshop, participants meet the trainer through a series of one-to-one meetings. Within this context (30 min), they have the opportunity to discuss their specific situation, eventual challenges they are facing and possible ways forward to improve the relationship with their supervisor or address difficulties they might be experiencing


  • Responding to legitimate needs and interests while also achieving your own goals.
  • Chapman’s five languages of appreciation.
  • Cialdini’s six psychological principles of effective persuasion.
  • Achieving win-win solutions for both sides involved (Harvard negotiation method).
  • Coming up with a plan to be later implemented to resolve ongoing problems.


  • Working together with a partner to test one’s approach.
  • Practical exercises to develop a plan of action to tackle outstanding problems.
  • Plenum discussion to share best practice within the group.
  • One-to-one session with the trainer for enhanced tailor-made support (30 min).
  • Role-play to test possible approached and unexpected reactions.


To participate, you will need a laptop/PC with a camera, microphone and internet access. The Zoom platform will be used during the workshop and you will receive the link to the platform a few days prior to the event.
Additional Terms of Use: With your registration, you accept the use of specified platforms/tools and the possibly necessary provision of specified data (name and email address). Additionally, the guarantee of the technical requirements is made by the participants themselves.


Weitere Informationen zu dieser Veranstaltung






Gianna Dalfuß
Universität Kassel
Koordination der überfachlichen Promovierendenausbildung | Kasseler Graduiertenprogramm
0561 804 2427
graduiertenakademie Bitte fügen Sie an dieser Stelle ein @ ein uni-kassel Bitte fügen Sie an dieser Stelle einen Punkt ein de


Prof. Dr. Matteo Garavoglia

Matteo Garavoglia is a Professor of Practice and Research Director at Tsinghua University and Senior Research Associate at the University of Oxford. With a background from SOAS, Sciences Po, and FUB, he has lived in 14 countries and speaks five languages. Previously at Brookings and Johns Hopkins SAIS, Matteo has worked with Impulsplus for over a decade, offering workshops on topics like viva defense prep, team communication, public speaking, leadership in academia, networking, academic writing, diversity, and managing up.

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Preis: 70,00 €
verfügbar bis: 24.02.2025
Buchung möglich von 03.09.2024, 00:00:00 bis 24.02.2025, 23:59:00
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