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The German Job hunt

08.11.2023 12:00 Uhr - 14:00 Uhr
  • Career Service
  • Bachelorstudierende
  • Masterstudierende
  • Absolvent:innen
  • Post-graduates
  • Alumni
08. November

Finding jobs can sometimes be as hard as applying for them! 

Beyond resources and tools we recommend to help you in your job search, we will also look at different aspect of creating a job searching strategy. From useful keywords, to how to interpret job advertisements, to how/when to apply and follow-up, this seminar will try to share every tip we have to give you the advantage when searching for a job. We will also offer some creative ways to get noticed among a sea of candidates.

Lecturer: Renata Moreira, Career Service

***This Online-Seminar will be host via Zoom. All registered participants will receive the Zoom link a few hours before the seminar starts.***

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Career Service

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Für diese Veranstaltung ist aktuell keine Ticketregistrierung möglich.

Anmeldung möglich von 25.09.2023, 08:00:00 bis 08.11.2023, 11:00:00