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Virtual postdoc meeting: inviting visiting academics

14.11.2024 12:30 Uhr - 13:30 Uhr
  • Universität Kassel - online
  • Graduiertenakademie
  • Vortrag
  • Nachwuchsgruppenleitungen
  • Postdoktorand:innen/Postdocs

Scientific networks and international cooperation partners are a prerequisite for successful third-party projects. Senior researchers may introduce you to labs and archives in your field and international mentors are door-openers for scientific networks, but how do you get in touch with potential international cooperation partners and mentors in the first place? We discuss how to approach them and win them over for a (short) stay in Kassel.

Lisa Büchele and Charlotte Schaetzky from the University of Kassel’s Department for Internationalisation and International Cooperations will provide hints and advice on how to (co-)finance a stay of these international guests.

The virtual postdoc meeting is an informal group of postdocs that meets once a months on the first Thursday from 12:30 to 13:30 pm.
Special guests take part in varying topics.

Interested postdocs are welcome to register to the mailing list via https://lists.its.uni-kassel.de/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/postdocs (intranet only).
The link to the meeting will be sent via the mailing list.

Weitere Informationen zu dieser Veranstaltung


Universität Kassel - online



Special Guest:

Lisa Büchele
Section for Internationalisation and International Cooperations

Charlotte Schaetzky
Universität Kassel

Section for Internationalisation and International Cooperations