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Working in Germany

23.05.2025 12:00 Uhr - 14:00 Uhr
  • Career Service
  • Bachelorstudierende
  • Masterstudierende
  • Absolvent:innen
  • Post-graduates
  • Alumni

For international students, coming to Germany means relearning how everything works in this country. In this seminar, we will give a brief introduction to the basic things you need to know about working in Germany, and what makes it different.

We will look at:

  • what kinds of jobs are available,
  • what basic requirements are necessary for different kinds of jobs,
  • important terms you will likely encounter,
  • available resources,
  • things to keep in mind, and
  • how to plan your studies for the career you want.

This is a great introductory seminar for new students, and students who are trying to enter the German job market for the first time. It is also a great opportunity to ask general questions about working in Germany.

Lecturer: Renata Moreira, Career Service

***This Online-Seminar will be host via Zoom. All registered participants will receive the Zoom link a few hours before the seminar starts.***

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Career Service

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verfügbar bis: 23.05.2025
Anmeldung möglich von 03.03.2025, 13:00:00 bis 23.05.2025, 10:00:00