Workshop for potential supervisors of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowships (MSCA PF) – online
Workshop for potential MSCA PF supervisors
- Veranstaltungsformat:
- Online-Veranstaltung
- Veranstaltungsorte:
- Zoom
- online
- Veranstalter:
- Stabsstelle Forschungs- und Graduiertenförderung
- Kategorien:
- Einführungsveranstaltung
- Informationsveranstaltung
- Zielgruppen:
- Nachwuchsgruppenleitungen
- Qualifikationsprofessor:innen
- Professor:innen
- Projektverantwortliche
- Gruppenleitungen
- Tenure-Track-Professor:innen

Open for all (Nachwuchsgruppenleitungen,Qualifikationsprofessor:innen, Professor:innen, Projektverantwortliche, Gruppenleitungen, Tenure-Track-Professor:innen)
Prestigious and highly competitive Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellowships (PF) offer to excellent researchers from all over the world an extraordinary opportunity to undertake two-year independent research projects combined with training. The University of Kassel will organise between 24-28 March 2025 a one-week MSCA Master class for the invited candidates and their supervisors from our university.
The objective of this online workshop offered by Research Support of the University of Kassel in cooperation with the European Liaison Office of the German Research Organisations (KoWi), is to raise awareness for the MSCA PF among potential MSCA supervisors at the University of Kassel and other German research institutions. It will introduce MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship and its characteristics, explain the eligibility and evaluation criteria, discuss proposal templates, and refer to the excellent character of the research projects.
The main aim of the workshop is to provide guidance on how to become a successful MSCA supervisor and on the role of the supervisor during the application process and during the fellowship. The MSCA strongly promote effective supervision, adequate mentoring, and career guidance. This contributes to creating a supportive environment for the researchers to work. The University of Kassel is committed to the MSCA Guidelines on Supervision.
9:00-9:05 Welcome from the Research Support at the University of Kassel (Malgorzata Siennicka-Rahmstorf)
9:05-10:00 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowships (MSCA PF): Overview of the funding instruments, eligibility criteria and key aspects regarding supervision (Cristina Condovici, KoWi)
10:05-10:40 Evaluation process and criteria. Experience of a MSCA Evaluator (Prof. Andreas Braun, University of Kassel)
10:40-11:30 MSCA PF proposal template – a closer look from a supervisor’s perspective (Malgorzata Siennicka-Rahmstorf, Research Support University of Kassel)
Weitere Informationen zu dieser Veranstaltung
Stabsstelle Forschungs- und Graduiertenförderung
Dr. Malgorzata Siennicka-Rahmstorf
Universität Kassel
Stabstelle Forschungs- und Graduiertenförderung
Projekt Koordinatorin
+49 561 804-2240
malgorzata Bitte fügen Sie an dieser Stelle einen Punkt ein siennicka-rahmstorf Bitte fügen Sie an dieser Stelle ein @ ein uni-kassel Bitte fügen Sie an dieser Stelle einen Punkt ein de
Cristina Condovici
Dr. Malgorzata Siennicka-Rahmstorf
Universität Kassel
Research Adviser
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